Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Alnwick! Sweet Alnwick!

Here is exactly my train of though as the bus pulled up to Alnwick Castle this afternoon...

Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod OHMYGOD!!! Eeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Harry Potter Castle!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!! Can I live here? It's! So! Prettyyyyy!!!!! And big! WOW!!!!

Alnwick Castle is gorgeous! It's sprawling and the grounds surrounding it are lush and picture-esque. This could be one of the reasons why it's used so often in movies. The thing that excited me the most is that the exterior was used for the first two Harry Potter movies. I saw the courtyard today where they filmed the flying lesson scene and I nearly wet myself. I was standing on the grounds where Harry, Hermione and Ron first learned how to use their brooms! Freakin' awesome!

I'm in a state of sheer bliss at the moment. More later, after I've recovered from my happy-stroke.

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