Monday, May 19, 2008


While other classmates opted to ride a stinky bus around to see the city, Becky and I had other ideas. We formulated a very specific list of goals we wanted to accomplish while in London. Because we are so Student-Affairs-goal-oriented. And dorks.

We decided to cross a big thing off our list right away, since we figured it'd take nearly an afternoon: Tower of London. I was excited to see the tower because I wanted a photo opp with a Beefeater. Seriously. That was the reason I wanted to see the Tower of London. That, and I wanted to see the Crown Jewels. What girl can resist a bunch of diamonds and platinum objects? Not I!

Touring the Tower was really enjoyable. The currators are to be commended because they made the displays very engaging and interactive. Most rooms had displays with stories or myths behind the royalty that lived there. There were also some polls where you could vote with your opinion and see what others thoughts. The best display told the story of the mystery of the two princes who lived in the Tower. They mysteriously disappeared and were never seen again when they were very young and many suspect their uncle murdered them so he could take the crown. Learning about the legend sent shivers down my spine; I felt I was standing in a place where history had occurred. It was a thrilling sensation that still prickles my skin as I think about it now.

Seeing the jewels was quite the experience. They make it clear when you enter the building that there are to be no pictures taken. I witnessed a couple being escorted from the premises because the guy had snapped a picture at the entrance of the display, not even of the jewels themselves. The rooms leading up the actual crown jewels house other treasures, like golden punch bowls the size of bird baths and baby rattles encased in more jewels than a Tiffanys sells. The amount of wealth displayed was mind-blowing to me. The fact that so many pricey objects even exist seems nearly unbelievable. It almost seems like a waste--it seems very showy and a little pointless. (That's saying something coming from a girl who can't have enough pieces of jewelry.)

The jewels were stunning, though. The display was interesting. The crowns, of course, were under lock, key and thick glass. By the cases were moving walkways, so you couldn't just loiter and gaze at the pretty things. That was sad because there were a couple of gorgeous crowns I could have stared at for hours. Some of the jewels on the crowns were as big as my fist. I didn't know such things existed. And now? Now I kind of want to be royalty because I want to wear a crown that has pretty purple gems on it.

I took a lot from the Tower of London. I learned a lot about the royal family and the history behind it. The stories I heard will stay with me for a long time and remind me that I should make some of my own. And now I have an urge to hunt down a prince so I can become royalty....

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