Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oh! Little Town of Alnwick!

So far I've been really fortunate on this journey to see some really amazing cities and towns. Dalkeith was tiny and sweet. Edinburgh was gorgeous and welcoming. Glasgow was picture-esque and memorable (I won't say why it was memorable though--make your own conclusions). And now we've landed in Alnwick, which I had never heard about until I saw the itinerary for the trip. To say the tiny town was cute and charming would be a severe understatement.

In all reality, the town is no bigger than my hometown of Chassell. So this is like Chassell! Except with gorgeous architecture that dates back many centuries, shops that I actually like (ie: global markets, french bakeries and adorable bookstores), and cobblestoned streets and sidewalks.

The town has two main roads and a small downtown that consists of the above-mentioned shops, a few restaurants and pubs, and a playhouse that doubles as the town movie theater on Tuesday nights. It is so charming that a thousand children's books and Jane Austin novels could be set here. The big news for Alnwick is that a second grocery store opened up! It's open a whole hour later than the first grocer--until 9 pm! Exclamation points!!!!!

The people of the town are some of the friendliest I've ever met in my life. In each shop or restaurant I've been to, the people have asked how my holiday is going and if I'm enjoying my time in the town. They've asked how they can make it better! That's hospitality! More than that, they geniunely seemed to care about what I thought and where I was from. It was incredible. I had better conversations with the townspeople of Alnwick than I've had in my time in East Lansing. I've lived here for two years--I was only in town for two days!

The charm and hospitality of Alnwick will stay with me for a long time. The people seemed geniunely happy and engaged. This is how I want to be in my life and in my job. I hope the spirit of this beautiful town will stay with me for the rest of my days.

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