Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What I should be doing instead is actually packing

I leave for the UK in less than fourty-eight hours.

What freaks me out the most is not the fact that I have approximately 873 more things to do before I leave, but instead that the count-down is no longer in days, but hours. So each minute I spend not prepping for my trip is a minute less I have to pack.

Oh and? If one more person asks me if I'm packed yet I may just scream and go postal on that unlucky questioner. For the record, no, I have not started packing. Actually, I'm doing a huge load of laundry as we speak and that has most of my stuff I'm going to pack in it. I could be compiling a to-do list file for the places I'm going to, or putting stuff in my super-cute, super-new, super-appropriate purse. Or I could be cleaning. Or working on my pre-independent study project. Instead I sit here freakin' out about the ever-passing minutes.

This is what NOT to do, people. Just for the record.

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