Saturday, May 10, 2008


I've been in the United Kingdom, specifically Scotland for a few hours now. And I'm fighting to keep going. I've been awake for about 24 hours. That whole "you can sleep on the plane" arrangement? Yeah, not so much. Instead I was distracted by my personal entertainment system (complete with Disney classics like The Emperor's New Groove!!!) and the teeny tiny amount of leg room allotted to me. I was crammed in the direct middle of the plane and while being smushed between two near strangers could make for some fun dialogues, it just made for some non-sleeping moments.

After a quick layover in Amersterdam (where, note: their security checks are completely backwards and very time-consuming and confusing), we arrived in Scotland, tired but excited. We were wisked away to our Palace--Dalkeith Palace--which is located about 12 kilometers from Edinburgh. The Palace is roomy and has some stunning rooms...but I'll talk more about that in another entry.

Upon arriving there, we were instructed very specifically to NOT go to sleep. Instead we were "highly recommended" to get on the time schedule of the UK in order to make the most of the trip and not feel exhausted for the two weeks.

This would be fine. But sweetbabyJesusIwantsomefreakin'sleepNOW. We had a session right away to get to know one another (note: I remember exactly three names from that lovely icebreaker) and to find out about the abroad program at Dalkeith (which I somehow remember quite a lot about, amazingly enough--go me!). Then we were set on the town to find food and keep ourselves occupied until we can crash at 7 or 8 tonight.

I don't know that I'll make it. I'm wavering between dozing right here, right now and feeling very light-headed and Wheee!-like. I don't know which of these feels worse...or better. All I want is sleep. Sweet, sweet, precious, elusive sleep...

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